Can Cats Eat Scallops? Exploring The Benefits And Risks

Cooked Scallops

Cats can often walk around in our homes like they own the place. We can’t help but wonder if our beloved felines can enjoy the same food we sometimes do.  

Scallops are a popular seafood dish, but can cats eat scallops? Is it safe for them to enjoy this delicious treat?

Yes, cats can eat scallops. In moderation, fully cooked scallops can provide various health benefits for our feline friends.

Read on to learn more about feeding cats scallops, the benefits they can bring, and what precautions you should take as a cat owner.

Are Scallops Good for Cats?

In moderation, scallops can be a great addition to your cat’s diet. They can provide cats with proteins, essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

  • Source of Proteins – Even though seafood is not a natural part of a cat’s diet, they can still benefit from the proteins found in scallops. 
  • Healthy Fats – Scallops also contain healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids that can help keep your cat’s skin and coat in good condition. 
  • Essential Minerals – In addition, scallops also contain essential minerals such as potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, copper, iodine, and choline. These minerals are vital for cats to stay healthy. 
  • Useful Vitamins – Scallops are also a good source of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for cats, aiding in maintaining their nervous system and functioning properly.
Can Cats Eat Scallops?

Are Scallops Toxic to Cats?

Scallops are not toxic to cats. However, cats should always avoid raw or undercooked scallops, which can be dangerous. Raw seafood can contain harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, that can make your cat sick.

There is also the risk of mercury poisoning. Mercury is a heavy metal that can be harmful when consumed in large amounts. Since cats are much smaller than humans, they are especially vulnerable to mercury poisoning.

Furthermore, some cats can be allergic to seafood, including scallops. If you are feeding your cat scallops for the first time, do so in small quantities and monitor them for any potential signs of an allergic reaction, such as diarrhea, itching, or swelling.

How do I Feed Scallops to my Cat?

If you want to feed your cat scallops, here are a few tips to ensure you provide a safe and healthy treat. 

  1. Cook Properly

The best way to feed scallops to cats is by cooking them first. Cooking the scallops will help make them safer for cats and minimize the risk of food poisoning. Avoid adding salt or other seasonings like garlic and onion to the scallops, as these are unsuitable for cats.

  1. Start by Offering a Small Amount 

Start with a small amount of scallops and monitor your cat for any potential signs of an allergic reaction. Scallops can be served as a whole or in small pieces, depending on your cat’s preference. 

If you are introducing scallops to your cat’s diet for the first time, consider mixing it with their regular food and slowly increase the amount of scallops over weeks. This will help them adjust to the new taste and texture. 

  1. Monitor your Cat Closely

Observe your cat for any signs of an allergic reaction. If your cat is experiencing symptoms such as itching, swelling, or diarrhea, it’s best to discontinue feeding them scallops and consult a veterinarian. 

Cooked Scallops on Leaf

What Other Seafood Can Cats Eat?

In addition to scallops, cats can also eat other types of seafood, such as

  • Squid
  • Oysters
  • Lobsters
  • Octopus
  • Cooked boneless fish
  • Mussels

These types of seafood provide the same health benefits as scallops and are an excellent source of healthy proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, essential vitamins, and minerals. 

It is important to remember that seafood should only be given in small amounts as an occasional treat with no added seasonings or salt.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Cats Eat Raw Scallops?

No, cats should not eat raw scallops. Raw or undercooked seafood can contain harmful bacteria that can make your cat very sick, as well as mercury and other heavy metals that can be toxic in large amounts.

How Many Scallops can I Give my Cat?

Depending on the size of your cat, offer only small amounts of cooked scallops as an occasional treat once or twice a week. 

A small cat should consume at most one or two scallops in a single meal, while larger cats may be able to eat a few more. 

Can Cats Eat Scalloped Potatoes?

Cats should not eat scalloped potatoes. Scalloped potatoes are usually made with dairy products, which can be difficult for cats to digest and can upset your kitty’s stomach. 

What if my Cat Consumes too Many Scallops?

If your cat has eaten too many scallops, watch for any signs of an allergic reaction, such as diarrhea, swelling, or itching. If this occurs, consult with a veterinarian about your cat’s health. 

Can Kittens Eat Scallops?

Kittens should not eat scallops or any other type of seafood. Kittens have sensitive stomachs, so it’s best to feed them high-quality kitten food specifically formulated to meet their nutritional needs.

Do Cats Like Scallops?

Most cats may enjoy the taste of scallops, but they should not be used as a full-time food source. If your cat is not interested in trying scallops, they may dislike the taste or texture. 

Don’t force them to eat scallops if they don’t want them, as plenty of other healthy foods are available. 


Cats can eat scallops as an occasional treat once or twice a week. Scallops can be an excellent source of essential nutrients, such as proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins. 

However, it is essential to remember that cats should only eat cooked scallops in moderation as an occasional treat with no added seasonings or salt. 

If you want to feed your cat scallops, start with a small amount and monitor your cat closely for any signs of an allergic reaction. 

Always consult a veterinarian if you have concerns about feeding your cat with human food.