When it comes to cats and food, there’s always a lot of confusion over what’s safe for them to eat. One of the most common questions that come up is can cats eat black beans?
After all, a few benefits exist when you include this unique legume in your cat’s diet, so it would make sense if cats could also enjoy them, right?
Yes, cats can eat black beans in moderate amounts. Black beans provide a decent amount of protein, fiber, and other vitamins and minerals that can benefit cats.
This blog post will cover everything you need to know about cats and black beans. Now let’s get started.
Are Black Beans Good for Cats?
Black beans offer several benefits for cats, including a healthy dose of protein, fiber, and other vitamins and minerals.
- Rich in Proteins: Black beans are a good source of proteins essential for cat’s growth and development.
- Packed with Fiber: Black beans contain more fiber than protein than most legumes. This makes them beneficial for cats that suffer from digestive problems as they help to keep their intestines healthy.
- Contains Vitamins: Black beans are also a good source of vitamins like vitamin A, which help your cat’s eyesight, and vitamin B6, which helps their metabolism.
- An Abundance of Essential Minerals: Black beans also contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. All these minerals are vital for the overall health of cats, which makes black beans an excellent choice for your furry friend.
Are Black Beans Poisonous to Cats?
Black beans are not poisonous to cats. Despite their considerable benefits, cats should be fed black beans in moderation, as too much can cause gastrointestinal issues.
It’s important to note cats are obligate carnivores, and therefore their diet should consist mostly of animal proteins such as chicken, fish, or beef. The carbohydrate content in black beans is not ideal for your cat’s digestive tract, and too much can cause digestive problems in cats.
As a matter of fact, cats do not have the ability to digest carbohydrates well. They lack the amylase enzyme in their saliva, which is needed to initiate the breakdown of carbs.
Many amino acids, like taurine, are not found in black beans, so ensuring your cat gets their essential amino acids from other sources is vital. Taurine helps to regulate the heart muscle, improve vision and metabolism.
Furthermore, black beans may not only cause vomiting and diarrhea in cats but can also lead to weight gain. Keep an eye on your cat’s weight if you feed them black beans regularly. Too much can lead to obesity, especially for already overweight kitties.

How to Feed Your Cat Black Beans
If you want to introduce black beans into your cat’s diet, here are a few tips.
- Make sure that the black beans are cooked and not raw. This is because cooking helps make black beans safer for cats.
- Start by introducing just a small amount of black beans into your cat’s diet. This will help you determine if they like it or not and if they can tolerate it. You may feed them once or twice a week if they tolerate it well.
- Serve them in small quantities without seasoning. Avoid adding oil, garlic, onions, or spices, as these can be toxic to cats. This will also reduce the risk of digestive issues.
- After feeding your kitty black beans, monitor your cat for at least 24 hours and consult a vet if there are any signs of an adverse reaction.
Other Types of Beans Cats Can Eat
Though black beans are a safe option for cats in moderation, other types of beans can also be beneficial. Cats can eat moderate amounts of kidney beans, lima beans, green beans and pinto beans as long as they’re cooked thoroughly.
- Kidney Beans: Kidney beans have a dark red or reddish-brown color with a kidney-like shape. They offer numerous health benefits, including proteins, fiber, and essential vitamins.
- Lima Beans: Lima beans have a starchy taste and are often steamed or boiled. They are cream or light green and are safe for cats when properly cooked.
- Pinto Beans: Pinto beans have a tan or reddish-brown color. When cooked, they become pink.
- Green Beans: Green beans are green in color and have a crisp texture when cooked.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Cats Eat Canned Beans?
No, cats should not eat canned beans as they contain large amounts of salt and preservatives, which can harm your cat’s health.
Are Black Beans Safe for Kittens?
Kittens should avoid eating black beans since their digestive systems are still developing. Moreover, black beans can be a choking hazard for kittens.
If you are looking for a source of proteins, fibers, and essential minerals for your kitten, try to give them food specially formulated for kittens.
Can Cats Eat Black Bean Soup?
It is best to avoid giving your cat black bean soup as it contains high amounts of sodium, which can cause dehydration in cats.
Can Cats Eat Raw Black Beans?
Cats should not eat raw black beans since they are difficult to digest and may cause gastrointestinal problems. Raw black beans are also hard for cats to chew, making them choke on them.
It is best to avoid feeding your cat raw beans and only feed them cooked beans with no added salt or other seasonings.
Cats can eat small amounts of black beans but should only be served cooked without added seasonings. Black beans can provide essential proteins, fibers, and minerals to your cat’s diet.
However, you should monitor them for any digestive issues or adverse reactions after feeding them black beans. If there are signs of an adverse reaction, consult a vet immediately.