Can Cats Eat Sardines? The Definitive Answer

can cats eat sardines

As a cat parent, you may have noticed that your feline friend enjoys the occasional seafood feast. While most cats love tuna, other fish options can be just as enjoyable. Sardines are one such option – but can cats eat sardines safely?

Generally, cats can safely eat sardines. However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, you should feed your cat sardines in moderation. 

Second, remove the bones from the sardines before feeding them to your cat. And third, always check the canned sardine’s label to ensure they’re packed in water rather than oil, as oil can harm cats.

This post will discuss the benefits and risks of feeding sardines to cats. We’ll also provide tips on feeding your cat sardines safely. 

Do Cats Like Sardines?

Depending on the cat, the answer may vary. Some cats may be interested in the smell of sardines and want to try them, while others may be less enthusiastic. If your cat is curious about sardines, you can offer them a small taste. 

If they enjoy it, you can continue feeding them sardines in moderation.

Cat eating sardines

Are Sardines Good for Cats?

Yes, sardines are good for cats. Sardines are a type of small, oily fish that offer many benefits to both humans and animals. 

Let’s look at some of the benefits sardines can offer our feline friends.

Benefits of Feeding Sardines to Cats

  • Sardines are a good source of protein. Sardines are an excellent source of protein for cats. Protein helps support muscle growth and repair, which is vital for all animals, including cats.
  • Sardines are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining healthy skin and coat. They can also help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Sardines are a good source of vitamins B12 and D. Vitamin B12 is vital for maintaining a healthy nervous system, and vitamin D is essential for bone health.
  • Sardines contain minerals like calcium, iron, and copper. All of these minerals are important for cats. For example, calcium helps support bone health, iron helps maintain a healthy immune system, and copper helps absorb iron.
  • The omega-3s (DHA and EPA) in sardines have been shown to help prevent or fight off various cancers and malignant tumors in cats. 

In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of these fatty acids are associated with mood improvement. This may provide some relief for cats who suffer from anxiety or depression.

  • Sardines are a great way to keep your cat hydrated if they’re not drinking much water.
cat eating sardine

What are the Risks of Feeding Sardines to Cats?

While there are many benefits to feeding sardines to cats, there are also some risks to consider. 

The Danger of Mercury Poisoning

The biggest risk is that sardines can be high in mercury. Mercury is a toxic metal that can build up in the bodies of animals (and humans) that eat fish that contain high levels. 

One study discovered that cats fed tuna had mercury and selenium in greater levels within their tissues. 

Symptoms of mercury poisoning, according to another study carried out, included:

  • Loss of balance
  • Convulsions
  • Tremor
  • Mood change
  • Impaired optical reflexes 
  • Muscle weakness
  • Poor muscle control leading to clumsy movement

If you think your cat has mercury poisoning, take them to the vet immediately.

Possibility of Choking on the Bones

Sardines contain small bones that cats could choke on. For this reason, removing the bones from the sardines before feeding them to your cat is essential.

Risk of Oil Contamination

Some canned sardines are packed in oil, which can harm cats. To avoid this, always check the canned sardine’s label to ensure they’re packed in water rather than oil.

High Salt Content

The high salt content in sardines can be dangerous to cats, especially if they eat them regularly. An excessive intake of salt can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Tips for Safely Feeding your Cat Sardines

  • Remove the bones from the sardines before feeding them to your cat.
  • Check the canned sardines label to ensure they’re packed in water rather than oil.
  • Feed sardines to your cat in moderation.

How to Make Sardines for Cats

  • Open the can of sardines and wash off any oils or brine. Canned sardines that are high in sodium should be avoided.
  • Remove the bones from the sardines. You can do this by gently pressing down on the fish with your fingers and pulling out the bone.
  • Once all of the bones have been removed, cut the sardines into small pieces and feed your cat the sardines in moderation as part of a healthy diet.
can cats eat sardines

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Cats Eat Canned Sardines in Water?

Canned sardines in water are generally safe for cats to eat as long as the bones are removed. Always check the canned sardines label to ensure they’re packed in water rather than oil.

Do Cats like Sardines Warm or Cold?

Some cats may prefer warm sardines, while others may prefer cold sardines. Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment and see what your cat likes best. 

Can Cats Eat Sardines in Tomato Sauce?

Cats can eat sardines in tomato sauce as long as the bones are removed and the sauce is not too spicy. Onions, garlic powder, or added salt can be toxic to cats. 

Therefore, it’s best to avoid giving your cat sardines in tomato sauce that contains these ingredients.

Can Cats Eat Smoked Sardines?

While cats can eat smoked sardines, be cautious of the sodium levels. Some brands may have high concentrations of salt, which could pose health risks for your feline friend. 

Always look at the label and check the nutrition facts before feeding time.

Can my Kittens have Sardines?

Yes, kittens can have sardines. When introducing any new food, it’s best to start slowly and in small amounts. This will help your kitten to adjust to the new food and reduce the risk of tummy upset. 

The omega-3 fatty acids and protein found in sardines make them good food for cats of all ages.

Can Cats Eat Salmon?

It’s okay to give your cat salmon occasionally, but ensure it is cooked thoroughly without any spices or preservatives that might irritate your kitty’s stomach.

Canned salmon often has high levels of salt and other chemicals that can harm felines, so avoid this type if possible.

How Often Can Cats Eat Sardines?

Sardines are a safe and healthy treat for cats but should be given in moderation to avoid potential health risks. 

A typical 3.75 ounce can be safely divided into two servings and fed up to once or twice a week.

Can I Feed my Cat Sardines Every day?

You should not feed your cat sardines daily. While they are a healthy seafood option, it’s essential to feed them in moderation to avoid potential health risks. 

Your kitty also needs other essential nutrients that sardines cannot provide enough of if given too frequently.

Can Cats Eat Raw Sardines?

Raw sardines are not recommended for cats as they may contain harmful bacteria. 

Uncooked sardines can be poisonous due to mercury levels. 

It is best to cook the fish before giving it as a treat or meal to your furry companion to ensure safety

Can Cats Eat Sardines in Brine?

Canned sardines packed in brine are generally unsafe for cats to eat as the high sodium content can be harmful. 

However, if you choose to feed your cat sardines in brine, rinse them off thoroughly to remove as much salt as possible.

Are Sardine Bones Safe for Cats?

No, sardine bones are not safe for cats. The small and soft bones can easily get stuck in your cat’s throat or cause them to choke. 

It’s best to remove the bones from the sardines before feeding them to your cat to avoid any risks.

Can Cats Eat Canned Sardines in Sunflower oil?

Sunflower oil is not toxic to cats. However, it can cause diarrhea if consumed in large quantities. It’s best to completely drain the sunflower oil from the fish before giving it to your feline friend.

Can Cats Eat Sardines in Olive oil?

Yes, cats can eat sardines in olive oil. Olive oil is also healthy for cats and can help to keep their fur shiny and healthy. 

Although olive oil isn’t poisonous to cats, too much can lead to diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, it should only be given in moderation.

Can Cats Eat Sardines in Soybean oil?

No. Sardines that come in a can filled with soy oil or soy brine can cause hormone disruptions and potential thyroid problems for your kitty. 

So it’s best to avoid giving them to your feline friend altogether.

Can Diabetic Cats Eat Sardines?

Sardines are generally safe for diabetic cats to eat. However, If you have any concerns about feeding sardines to your diabetic cat, please consult your veterinarian.

Can Cats Eat Sardines in Mustard?

No, cats should not eat sardines in mustard. The mustard can irritate your cat’s digestive tract and may cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Is it ok to Feed Cats Canned Tuna?

Although canned tuna is packed with protein and has a great flavor, it’s important to remember that it also contains more mercury than other fish. 

Therefore, there is an increased risk of mercury poisoning if consumed in large amounts. 

If you choose to feed your cat canned tuna, do so in moderation and only as an occasional treat. You can also look for tuna that is specifically marketed as being safe for cats.

Can Cats Eat Mackerel?

Mackerel can contain high levels of mercury which can be poisonous to felines. Therefore, it should only be given to your cat in moderation. 

Smoked or otherwise processed mackerel is also not recommended, as the chemicals, salt, and preservatives can harm your kitty’s health.

Final Thoughts

Sardines are a healthy and nutritious treat that can be given to cats in moderation. Nevertheless, feeding sardines to your cat requires some consideration.

Make sure the fish are thoroughly cooked and free of bones and any spices or oils that might irritate their stomach. It’s also important not to overfeed sardines as they can contain high levels of mercury. 

If you have any concerns about giving your cat sardines, please consult your veterinarian. 

Learn more about what cats can eat in our comprehensive guide.