Can Cats Eat Marshmallows? The Answer You Need To Know

can cats eat marshmallows

Cats are often curious about human food, and marshmallows are no exception. 

Our feline friends may find these fluffy treats tempting, but not all human foods are safe for them. So, can cats eat marshmallows?

The answer is no. Cats should not eat marshmallows, as they are a sugar-based treat that can cause gastrointestinal upset. In addition, the marshmallow’s sticky texture can be a choking hazard for cats.

This post will examine why marshmallows are not good for cats and some healthier alternatives that your feline friend can enjoy. 

Keep reading for everything you need to know about feeding marshmallows to cats.

Why Marshmallows are Bad for Cats

There are a few reasons why marshmallows may not be the best treat for your kitty.


Like humans, cats can become obese from too much sugar.

One regular-size marshmallow (7g) has over 4 grams of sugar, which is more than the recommended daily amount for cats. 

Marshmallows also contain xylitol, which is a sweetener that’s safe for humans but poisonous to cats. 

Xylitol can cause liver failure and death in cats, so it’s best to avoid giving them marshmallows (or any food containing xylitol) altogether. 

Although this study suggests otherwise, it’s still in your cat’s best interest not to consume xylitol.


A marshmallow is a sticky, high-calorie treat that contains large amounts of sugar and salt. As you can probably guess, it has zero nutritional value for cats. 

If you’re not careful, feeding your cat sugary snacks can cause weight gain. Did you know that the standard house cat only needs around 300 calories daily? 

According to USDA, one marshmallow has 23 calories- which means that just a few of these treats could be enough to send your kitty packing on the pounds.

High Sodium Content

Sodium is another ingredient found in marshmallows that can be harmful to cats. A regular marshmallow’s sodium content is 5.7 mg, which is a lot for a small cat. 

Excess sodium can lead to health problems such as dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Choking Hazard

Though small and fluffy, marshmallows pose a significant choking hazard for cats. Their gooey texture makes them easy to inhale or swallow, which can result in an intestinal blockage or your cat choking.

If you think your cat ate a marshmallow, monitor it for signs of illness and contact your veterinarian immediately.

cat refusing to eat marshmallows

What Happens if a Cat Eats a Marshmallow?

If a cat eats a marshmallow, it’s not likely to cause any severe problems. However, if the cat ingests large quantities of sugar and salt, it can lead to obesity and other health problems. 

And as we mentioned before, marshmallows also contain xylitol, which is poisonous to cats. So it’s best to avoid giving them marshmallows altogether.

What Should I do if my Cat Eats Marshmallows?

If your cat eats marshmallows, monitor them closely for any signs of illness or choking. Marshmallows can cause digestive problems like vomiting and diarrhea in cats. 

If your cat shows any of these symptoms, bring them to the vet immediately. 

The vet will likely give your cat fluids to help flush the sugar and sodium out of their system. They may also give your cat medication to help with any digestive issues. 

In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary.

Do Cats like Marshmallows?

There is no definitive answer, as some cats may enjoy the texture of marshmallows while others may not. 

Cats don’t have sweet toothed like humans, so they may not be as attracted to the sweetness of marshmallows. 

Marshmallow Root for Cats

For centuries, traditional medicine has used marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis). The root is rich in mucilage, known for its ability to soothe inflamed tissues. 

Research has shown that treating upper respiratory infections and digestive disorders can be effective with marshmallow root.

Some people believe that marshmallow root can also be beneficial for cats. This claim, however, is not backed up by scientific evidence. 

If you want to give marshmallow root to your cat, it’s essential to speak with a veterinarian first.

Alternatives to Marshmallows for Cats

Give your cat a small piece of cooked chicken or fish, a few slices of fresh fruits or vegetables like cucumber, carrots, or celery. 

You can also buy special treats made specifically for cats. These treats are usually lower in sugar and calories and often contain added nutrients beneficial for cats. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do Cats Like Marshmallows?

For the most part, cats likely don’t care much for marshmallows. The sweetness of marshmallows may not be as appealing to cats as it is to humans.

However, some cats may be attracted to the smell of marshmallows. 

Can Cats have Mini Marshmallows?

The same health concerns to regular marshmallows also apply to mini marshmallows; therefore, giving your cat mini marshmallows is generally not recommended.

Can Cats Eat Marshmallow Fluff?

While technically, cats could eat marshmallow fluff, it’s not something we would recommend. 

Marshmallow fluff is made mainly of sugar and corn syrup, neither of which are good for cats. 

How do I Stop my Cat from Eating Marshmallows?

The best way to stop your cat from eating marshmallows is never to give them to your cat in the first place.

If you have marshmallows around the house, ensure they are out of your cat’s reach.

Can Marshmallows Kill Cats?

While marshmallows aren’t poisonous to cats, they can still cause your animal friend some severe health problems if they eat too many of them. 

Are Cats Allergic to Marshmallows?

No, cats are not allergic to marshmallows. However, some cats may be sensitive to marshmallows’ sugar or corn syrup and may experience tummy upset if they eat too much. 

If you’re concerned that your cat may be allergic to marshmallows, it’s best to consult a veterinarian. They can perform skin or blood tests to determine if your cat is allergic to marshmallows or other food items.

Why do Cats Love Marshmallows?

Cats are attracted to the sticky texture of marshmallows, not the taste. The taste is irrelevant to them since cats don’t have a sweet tooth.

Can I Give my Cat Herb Marshmallows?

Yes, you can give your cat herb marshmallows. Herb marshmallows are packed with nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, iron, and iodine. 

However, before giving your cat any new food, always check with your veterinarian first.

Final Thoughts

While marshmallows aren’t poisonous to cats, they can still cause serious health problems if ingested in large quantities. Therefore, it’s best to avoid giving your cat marshmallows altogether. 

Keep marshmallows out of your cat’s reach to avoid potential health hazards. 

If you think they may have eaten some, observe them closely for any signs of illness or choking and bring them to the vet as soon as possible.