Can Cats Eat Pickles? | 3 Reasons Why Pickles Are Not Safe

can cats eat pickles

When it comes to our feline friends, we want to make sure they’re getting all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Cats eat a diet rich in protein and fat but consume small amounts of vegetation in the wild. So, can cats eat pickles?

The answer is no; cats should not eat pickles. Pickles are high in sodium and other unhealthy ingredients, so they should be left out of your cat’s diet. If you want to treat your cat, try giving them a piece of cucumber instead. 

Cucumbers are low in calories and full of healthy nutrients like vitamins A and C. Plus, most cats love the taste of cucumbers.

In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about feeding pickles to your cat. We’ll also give you tips on how to prevent your feline friend from eating pickles. 

Ready to learn more about cats and pickles? Read on!

Why Are Pickles Bad for Cats?

Pickles are made with cucumbers soaked in brine (water, vinegar, and salt) mixed with spices such as dill, garlic, and onions. Let us look at how each component may affect our feline friends.

Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onion are two of the most common pickling spices, and they can both be poisonous to cats. 

Garlic and onion contain thiosulfate, which can damage red blood cells and lead to anemia. If your cat eats a lot of garlic or onion, she may develop symptoms like weakness, lethargy, and pale gums.


Too much salt is not suitable for anyone and can be especially dangerous for cats.

It can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. A cat’s daily salt intake should not exceed 42 mg. 

One pickle of 37g can have up to 324mg of salt, as per NutritionData, so it is best to avoid giving them to your cat. Symptoms of salt poisoning in cats.

  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Lethargy
  • Muscle weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Kidney damage

If you think your cat has consumed too much salt, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. Salt poisoning can be fatal if not treated promptly.


Dill is not poisonous to cats; you may occasionally see your cat nibble on dill leaves. Some may enjoy the taste; others may nibble on it for the texture.


Vinegar is not poisonous to cats, but its smell can irritate their sensitive noses. 

Pickles in pickle juice inside a glass jar

Can Cats Eat Cucumbers?

Yes, cats can eat cucumbers. Many cats enjoy eating cucumbers as a treat. 

Cucumbers are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, copper, potassium, and manganese. They are also low in calories and fat.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding your cat cucumbers. First and foremost, always wash the cucumber thoroughly before giving it to your cat. 

Cucumbers can carry harmful bacteria, so cleaning them thoroughly is vital to avoid making your cat sick. 

Secondly, cucumbers should only be fed in moderation. While they are a healthy treat for cats, feeding your kitty too much of anything can be bad for them. So, limit the number of cucumbers you feed your cat to a small portion.

Lastly, ensure the cucumber is sliced correctly or diced before giving it to your cat. 

Large chunks of cucumber can be a choking hazard for cats, so it’s essential to cut them into smaller pieces before feeding them to your feline friend.

How Can I Stop my Cat from Eating Pickles?

There are a few things you can do to prevent your cat from eating pickles: 

  • Keep pickles out of reach. If you don’t want your cat getting into the pickles, keep them stored in a place that is out of your cat’s reach. Put them somewhere up high or in a cupboard where they can’t reach.
  • Offer alternatives. Try offering your kitty some other snacks that are safer for cats, such as cucumber or spinach. 
  • Store pickles in a jar with a lid that your cat cannot open. The best way to store pickles so your feline friend cannot get into them is by using a jar with a lid that your cat cannot open.
  • Discourage unwanted behavior. If your cat somehow manages to get ahold of a pickle, discourage them from eating it by scolding or spraying them with water.
Pickles in tightly closed glass jar

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I do if my Cat Eats Pickles?

A small pickle probably won’t harm your cat, but if they ate a lot or appear sick or are showing any symptoms of illness, take them to the vet immediately.

Can Cats Eat Dill Pickles?

No, cats should not eat dill pickles. The spices and salt in dill pickles can be harmful to cats.

If your cat has eaten a dill pickle, watch for signs of illness and contact your veterinarian if they occur.

Can Cats Eat Homemade Pickles?

Making your pickles at home is a great way to avoid the high levels of salt and onion in store-bought jars. According to the ASPCA, dill is non-toxic for cats. 

This homemade delicacy should be safe for your furry friend as long as you ensure there’s no added salt, garlic, or onions.

How much Cucumber Can a Cat Eat Safely?

Cucumbers are high in water content, beta-carotene, and many other vitamins.

However, too much cucumber can lead to diarrhea, so it’s best to give your cat only one or two thin slices per week is best.

Can I Give Pickle Juice to my Cat?

No, you should not give pickle juice to your cat as it can cause gastrointestinal upset. Pickles are also high in sodium which can be harmful to cats. 

If your cat ingests pickle juice, they may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. 

Please contact your veterinarian immediately if you think your cat has ingested pickle juice.

Can Cats Eat Sweet Pickles?

Cats should not eat sweet pickles because they contain salt, onion, and garlic seasonings, which can harm them. 

Sweet pickles may contain xylitol, an ingredient that is poisonous to cats.

Do Cats Like the Smell of Pickles?

Some cats seem to love the smell of pickles, while others could care less. If your cat is curious about the smell of pickles, there’s no harm in letting them take a sniff. 

Just be sure to keep an eye on them in case they decide to take a nibble.

Can Dogs and Cats Eat Pickles?

While pickles may be a tasty treat for humans, they are not necessarily the best snack for dogs and cats. 

Feeding your pet a small amount of pickle as a treat is unlikely to cause any problems, but consult with your veterinarian first if you have any concerns.

Is it Safe for a Kitten to Eat Pickles?

No, it is not safe for kittens to eat pickles. Kittens are very small, and their bodies are not yet fully developed. As such, they are more susceptible to the harmful effects of pickles.

Can Cats Eat Bread and Butter Pickles?

No, cats should not eat bread and butter pickles. Cats are dependent on animal protein to survive because they’re obligate carnivores. 

That means their body needs animal flesh to stay healthy and function properly. 

Most cats enjoy eating small prey, such as rodents or birds. Their stomachs are not designed to digest bread and other plant-based foods. 

Although a tiny piece of bread likely won’t harm your cat, it’s best not to include bread as part of their diet.

Final Verdict

It is important to note that most pickles are unsuitable for cats due to their high salt content. 

However, if you want your furry friend to try something different than the same old taste every day, then make sure they aren’t garlic or onion-flavored. 

So as long as it is non-salted dill cucumbers with no added seasonings like oil, vinegar, or sugar-based sauces should be okay in small amounts!

And as always, consult your veterinarian if you have any questions about your cat’s diet. 

Now that you know the answer to ‘can cats eat pickles or not,’ feel free to check out other human foods that are safe for consumption by our feline friends.