Cats are often curious about new things, and mandarin oranges may seem like a tempting treat. Many cat owners wonder whether their feline friends can enjoy this citrus fruit.
While most people think of them as a snack or dessert fruit, they can be a healthy part of your diet. So, can cats eat mandarin oranges?
No, cats should not eat mandarin oranges. While the small amount of Vitamin C found in mandarin oranges is not harmful to cats, the fruit’s acidity can cause stomach upset.
In addition, the mandarin orange’s peel and seeds contain limonene, a substance that can be toxic to cats if ingested in large quantities.
How bad is it for cats to eat mandarin oranges? Let’s take a closer look.
Do Cats Like Mandarin Oranges?
It’s unlikely. Most cats prefer the taste of meat and are not attracted to the sweetness of the fruit. They are repelled by the smell of citrus fruits like mandarin oranges.
However, every cat is different, so there’s a chance your kitty might enjoy the occasional mandarin orange slice.
Are Mandarin Oranges Good for Cats?
No, mandarin oranges are not good for cats. The fruit’s acidity can cause stomach upset, and the peel and seeds contain limonene, which can be toxic to cats if ingested in large quantities.
The fruit contains essential oils that can also harm your kitty.
Are Mandarin Oranges Bad for Cats?
Yes, mandarin oranges can be bad for cats, and here are a couple of reasons.
- Mandarin oranges contain citric acid and could affect your cat’s pH/alkaline balance. Excess citric acid in the diet can lead to the formation of bladder stones or crystals in cats. If your cat has a history of urinary tract problems, it’s best to avoid feeding them mandarin oranges altogether.
- Mandarin oranges also contain essential oils, which could be toxic to your cat if ingested in large quantities. The peel and seeds of the fruit also contain limonene, a substance that can be toxic to cats.
- The high sugar content in mandarin oranges can lead to obesity and diabetes in cats.
What Happens if a Cat eats a Mandarin Orange?
Cats are notoriously curious creatures, and their exploratory nature often gets them into trouble. No matter how careful you are, there’s always a chance your cat will eat something they shouldn’t.
Your furbaby may experience symptoms of mandarin orange toxicity, such as:
- Vomiting
- Skin rashes
- Diarrhea
- Difficulty breathing
- Lack of appetite
- Lethargy
- Depression
- Increased sensitivity
- Photosensitivity
- Drooling
- Cold limbs
- Shivering
The severity of these symptoms will depend on how much of the fruit your cat has eaten and the part of the mandarin orange they have consumed (e.g., the peel, seeds, or flesh).
The peels are more likely to cause vomiting and diarrhea, while the seeds can be more harmful because of their limonene content.
If you suspect your cat has eaten a mandarin orange, watch for signs of stomach distress and contact your veterinarian immediately.

How Many Mandarin Oranges Should I Feed my Cat?
Never feed your cat mandarin oranges or any other citrus fruit, including
- Dried orange
- Orange liquor
- Orange juice
- Orange peel
- Orange stem
- Orange Leaves
- Candied or crystallized orange
Citrus fruits are not part of a cat’s natural diet as they are obligate carnivores. This means that cats are obliged to eat mostly meat and do not require fruits or vegetables to survive.
However, many people feed their cats fruits and vegetables as part of a well-balanced diet.
Alternatives to Mandarin Oranges for your Cat
If you’re looking for a fruity treat for your cat, there are plenty of other options besides mandarin oranges. Below are a few alternative fruits that are safe for cats to eat:
- Apples
- Bananas
- watermelon
- Kiwi
- Strawberry
- Peaches
Remember, even though these fruits are safe for cats to eat, they should still be given in moderation. Too much fruit can lead to digestive upset, including vomiting and diarrhea.
When feeding your cat fruit, always start with small amounts to see how they tolerate it.
If you have any concerns about whether or not a particular fruit is safe for your cat to eat, always consult your veterinarian first.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can Cats eat Canned Mandarin Oranges?
No, cats should not eat canned mandarin oranges. The sugar content of canned mandarin oranges is higher than fresh fruit, which can cause stomach upset and diarrhea in cats.
In addition, cats cannot taste sweetness the way humans do, so feeding them canned mandarin oranges is likely to be a waste of effort.
Can Kittens eat Mandarin Oranges?
No, kittens should not eat mandarin oranges. The acidity of the fruit can cause stomach upset in kittens.
Kittens are more vulnerable due to their age and size, so it’s best to avoid feeding them this fruit altogether, for even a tiny slice of mandarin orange could make them sick.
Why are Mandarin Oranges Toxic for Cats?
The problem likely lies in the fact that mandarin oranges contain psoralens, compounds that can cause skin irritation and gastrointestinal upset in cats.
In addition, cats lack the glucuronosyltransferase enzyme, which helps break down psoralens.
This means that mandarin oranges can be particularly problematic for cats and may even lead to liver damage.
Can I Give my Cat Other Citrus Fruits?
No, it’s best to avoid giving your cat any citrus fruit. In addition to mandarin oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, citrons, pomelo, and others can also be problematic for cats.
Mandarin oranges are not safe for cats to eat. The fruit contains essential oils, which can be toxic to cats, and the high sugar content can lead to obesity and diabetes.
If you suspect your cat has eaten a mandarin orange, watch for signs of stomach distress and contact your veterinarian immediately.
Plenty of other fruits are safe for cats to eat, so there’s no need to take the risk with mandarin oranges.