Can Cats Eat Mango? How To Offer Mango To Your Cat

can cats eat mango

Mango is a delicious fruit that can be enjoyed by both humans and animals alike. However, some fruits are not safe for animals to eat. So, can cats eat mango?

Some people may be surprised to learn that the answer is yes! Mangoes can be a healthy and delicious treat for your feline friend. Mangoes are a good source of vitamins A and C and fiber. 

Giving small pieces of mango with the skin removed will enable easier digestion and decrease the likelihood that fiber from the fruit will irritate your pet’s stomach and digestive tract.

When feeding your cat mango, it is essential to do so in moderation

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at whether or not cats can eat mango and the possible benefits and risks. 

Is it safe to share your mango with your feline friend? Read on to find out more!

Is Mango Good for Cats?

Mangoes are a good source of vitamins, as well as minerals. They also contain water, which can help keep your kitty hydrated. 

In addition, mangoes contain healthy carbohydrates and fibers, which can benefit your cat’s health. Let us look at the nutrients in mangoes and how they can help your cat.


Mangoes are a good source of vitamins A and C, which are essential for your cat’s health. Mangoes also contain vitamins B, E, and K. 

Vitamin A is essential for vision and cell growth, while vitamin C helps to boost the immune system. Although Vitamin A is necessary for good health, your cat only needs a small quantity of it.


Mangoes contain potassium, which is vital for heart health and muscle function. They also contain copper, which is necessary to produce red blood cells. 


As we mentioned, mangoes contain water, which can help to keep your cat hydrated. This is especially important in hot weather when your cat is sick or elderly.

Are Mangoes Safe for Cats?

Yes, mangoes are safe for cats. Just be sure to remove the pit from the fruit before giving it to your cat, as these can be choking hazards. 

Also, like all good things, mangoes should be given in moderation. Too much of this sweet fruit can lead to gastrointestinal upset in cats. 

mango juice

How Should you Offer Mango to your Cat?

  • When offering mango to your cat for the first time, it’s essential to wash the fruit thoroughly. 

This will help to remove any pesticides or other contaminants that could be present on the skin.

  • The pit of a mango can be a choking hazard for cats. For this reason, removing the pit is essential before giving the fruit to your cat. 

You can do this by slicing the mango in half and then scooping out the pit with a spoon.

  • Chop or blend it into smaller pieces. This will help to prevent choking and make it easier for your cat to eat. 

When chopping the mango, ensure the pieces are small enough that your cat can easily swallow them.

If you’re using a blender, blend the fruit until it reaches a smooth consistency.

  • Monitor your cat’s reaction when you first start feeding them mango. 

Some cats may be able to eat the fruit without any problems, while others may experience digestive issues. 

If your cat has trouble digesting the mango, stop feeding it to them and contact your veterinarian.

Is Mango Bad for Cats?

Although mangoes are primarily safe for cats to eat, there a few dangers you should keep in mind. These potential risks include choking and the fruit’s sugar content.

Choking hazard. The pit of a mango can be a choking hazard for cats. Make sure to remove the pit before giving your cat any mango to eat.

Sugar content. Mango contains a high amount of sugar. Eating too much sugar can lead to an increase in weight and other health problems

Offer mango to your cat in moderation to avoid these issues.

Can Kittens Eat Mango?

Kittens can eat mango, but only in small amounts. Mango contains a high amount of sugar, which can harm kittens if they consume too much. 

Consult with your veterinarian before giving mango to your kitten. They can help you determine how much is safe to give based on your kitten’s age, weight, and overall health.

can kitten eat mango

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Cats Eat Mango Sorbet?

Yes, cats can eat mango sorbet. However, it’s important to offer it in moderation. Mango sorbet contains sugar, which can harm cats if they consume too much. 

Can Cats Eat Mango ice Cream?

No, cats should not eat mango ice cream. Cats are lactose intolerant, and ice cream contains milk and milk products, which can cause stomach upset. 

Ice cream also contains sugar, which can harm cats if they consume too much. Moreso, ice cream can give your cat brain freeze, which is painful for them. So it’s best to avoid giving mango ice cream to your cat altogether.

Kittens can digest milk because they have the lactase enzyme. However, as they age and stop producing this enzyme. Therefore, it’s still best to avoid giving them mango ice cream. 

Do Cats Like Mango?

Cats may enjoy the texture and moisture of fresh mango. If you’re unsure if your cat will like mango, you can offer them a small piece with the pit removed to see if they are interested.

Can Cats Eat Mango Yogurt?

Yes,  cats can eat mango yogurt as long as it is plain and contains no added sugar. 

Can Cats Eat Dried Mango?

Yes, cats can eat dried mango. Dried mangoes are packed with essential nutrients for cats, including vitamins, minerals, fiber, and energy.

In addition, dried mangoes contain phenols and antioxidants that have anti-cancer properties. 

Other key nutrients in dried mangoes include iron (which helps avoid anemia), vitamin E, and selenium (both help prevent heart disease). 

Finally, calcium in dried mangoes contributes to strong bones.

Can Cats have Mango Popsicles?

No, cats should not eat mango popsicles. Popsicles contain sugar, which can harm cats if they consume too much. 

Moreso, popsicles can give your cat brain freeze, which is painful for them. So it’s best to avoid giving mango popsicles to your cat altogether.

Can Cats have Green Mango?

Although green mango is not harmful to cats, it may pose a choking hazard to your kitty. Ripe mangoes have more nutrients than unripe ones, so giving your cat ripe mango would be better.

How much Mango is Safe for my Cat?

Mangos should not be a regular feature in your cat’s diet. It’s best only to give one cube or one tablespoon size piece per serving and only offer mango as an occasional treat. 

Cats that consume too much sugar can develop obesity and diabetes.

Can Cats Eat Mango Skin?

No, cats should not eat mango skin. The skin of a mango can contain pesticides and other chemicals that could make your cat sick if ingested. So it’s best to avoid giving your cat mango skin to eat.

Can Cats Eat Mango Seeds?

No, cats should not eat mango seeds. Mango seeds can be a choking hazard for cats and cause digestive issues if consumed.

Can Cats Eat Frozen Mango?

Yes, cats can eat frozen mango. When feeding your cat frozen mango, ensure that the fruit is completely thawed and that there are no large chunks that could pose a choking hazard.

You should also avoid giving your cat too much mango at once, as this could cause stomach upset.

Can Cats Eat Mango Jelly?

No, cats should not eat mango jelly. The sugar in the jelly can cause problems for cats, including weight gain and diabetes.

Can Cats Drink Mango Juice?

Yes, cats can drink mango juice. If you give your cat mango juice, ensure it is unsweetened and diluted with water. Too much sugar can be harmful to your cat’s health. 

Offer mango juice to your cat in moderation. Too much mango juice can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in cats.

Final Thoughts 

Cats can eat mango, but it should not be a regular part of their diet. Mango skin and seeds can be harmful to cats if ingested, so it’s best to avoid giving them to your cat. 

Offer mango in moderation and avoid giving your cat too much sugar, as this can cause health problems. 

When feeding your cat frozen mango, ensure that the fruit is completely thawed and that no large chunks could pose a choking hazard. 

Finally, consult with your veterinarian before giving mango to your kitten, as they can help you determine how much is safe to give based on your kitten’s age, weight, and overall health. 

Learn more about the safety of other fruits your cat can eat in our article, can cats eat mandarin oranges?