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My Cat Won’t Eat Wet Food Anymore | 8 Reasons & What To Do

my cat won't eat wet food anymore

So your cat won’t eat wet food anymore? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many cat owners go through this same issue with their finicky felines. While it can be frustrating, there are some things you can do to try and get your kitty to eat wet food again.

There are a few reasons your cat may have stopped eating wet food. It could be that they don’t like the taste or texture of the wet food, they could be experiencing dental pain, which makes it difficult to eat, or there could be an underlying health issue

If your cat is usually a good eater but has suddenly stopped eating wet food, it’s best to take them to the vet to rule out any health issues.

Keep reading as we explore why your cat may have stopped eating wet food and offer tips for them to start eating it again.

Why won’t my cat eat wet food anymore?

There are a few reasons your cat has stopped eating wet food. Let’s take a look at some possible reasons.

  1. Your cat doesn’t like the taste or texture of wet food

If your cat has always been a picky eater, they simply don’t like the taste or texture of wet food. Some cats prefer dry food because it is easier to eat and has a crunchy texture that they enjoy.

If this is the case with your cat, there is not much you can do other than try different brands or flavors of wet food to see if they will eat it.

  1. Underlying health issue

Sometimes cats stop eating wet food because an underlying health problem needs to be addressed. Common causes of decreased appetite in cats include kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, and digestive obstruction. If your cat has been avoiding their wet food for more than a few days, take them to the vet for a check-up.

  1. Dirty bowl

Cats have a keen sense of smell; if their bowl is not kept clean, they may avoid eating out of it altogether. Make sure to give your cat’s food bowl a thorough cleaning daily, or switch to disposable bowls you can toss after each meal.

  1. The food brand altered its ingredients

It is also possible that your cat has stopped eating wet food because the brand you are using has altered its ingredients in some way.

Cats can be very sensitive to changes in their food; if the new formula doesn’t agree with them, they may refuse to eat it. If this is the case, try switching brands or flavors of wet food until you find one your cat enjoys.

  1. Stress or anxiety

For some cats, stress or anxiety can majorly affect their refusal to eat wet food. Suppose your cat is experiencing anxiety due to changes in the home or environment.

In that case, they may become picky about their food and refuse to eat anything that is not familiar or comforting.

  1. Whisker fatigue

Whisker fatigue is another possible cause for your cat not eating their wet food. Whiskers are an important sensory tool for cats, and if the bowl is too deep or narrow, it can cause discomfort, which makes them avoid eating from it. Try switching to a shallow, wide bowl that will be more comfortable for your cat’s whiskers.

  1. Cat has been spoiled with treats

If you regularly give your cat treats or human food, they may have become used to the special treatment and no longer be interested in their regular wet food. Try cutting back on treats and ensure you give them a healthy diet, primarily high-quality wet food.

  1. Food Boredom

Your cat may also be bored with the same wet food day after day, especially if they have been eating it for a long time. Try offering multiple flavors and brands of wet food to give them some variety in their diet.

Benefits of wet cat food

There are many benefits to feeding your wet cat food, including: 

  • More moisture: Wet foods contain more water than dry kibble, which helps to keep your cat hydrated and can help prevent urinary tract infections.
  • Higher protein levels: Wet foods are typically higher in protein than dry kibble, helping to keep cats healthy and promoting muscle growth. 
  • Variety of Flavors and Textures: Many different flavors and textures are available in wet cat foods, giving your kitty plenty of options. 

Benefits of dry cat food

Some benefits of feeding your dry cat food are

  • Convenience – Dry foods are easy to store and convenient for busy pet owners. 
  • Cost-Effective – Dry kibble tends to be less expensive than wet food, making it a good choice for pet owners on a budget. 
  • Dental Health Benefits – The crunchy texture of dry kibble helps to clean teeth and remove plaque from their gums, which can help prevent dental disease. 

Should I feed my cat a mix of wet and dry food?

A mix of wet and dry food can provide your cat with the best of both worlds. Feeding your kitty a combination of wet and dry foods ensures adequate moisture, protein, and other essential nutrients. It also allows them to enjoy variety in their diet. 

If you decide to feed your cat a mix of wet and dry food, talk to your veterinarian about what foods and ratios are best for your cat’s needs. They can help you find the right balance of wet and dry food to keep your kitty healthy and happy.

kitten won't eat wet food anymore

How can I get my cat to eat wet food?

If your cat is used to eating dry food only, transitioning them to wet food may seem challenging. Here are some tips on how to get your kitty to eat wet food:  

  • Start with small amounts: Start slowly by introducing small amounts of wet food mixed in with their dry kibble. Gradually increase the amount of wet food until they only eat it. 
  • Provide variety: Offer different flavors and textures of wet foods so your cat won’t get bored with their meals. 
  • Make it tasty: To make wet food more appealing, try heating it slightly or adding a bit of chicken broth to the dish. This will help make it smell more inviting and tempting for your kitty. 
  • Use a whisker-friendly food bowl: Cats have sensitive whiskers that can be easily irritated by food bowls with sharp edges. Using a large, shallow bowl like catit double stainless steel bowl will help make mealtime more comfortable for your kitty.
  • Provide a calm environment: Cats can be easily stressed by loud noises and chaotic environments. Make sure that mealtime is a relaxed, stress-free experience for your cat. 
  • Ensure your kitty’s feeding bowl is always clean: Cats can be pretty picky when it comes to eating. Make sure their food bowl is always clean so that they will have a more pleasant mealtime experience.
cat won't eat wet food anymore

Frequently Asked Questions

How to turn dry cat food into wet?

If you want to make dry cat food moist, there are a few different options. One option is to add warm water to the kibble and let it sit for several minutes before feeding to help soften the kibble and make it more palatable for your cat.

Why did my cat stop eating wet food they previously liked?

There could be several reasons why your cat has stopped eating wet food they previously liked. The flavor or texture may have changed or the other factors listed above.

Consult your veterinarian to rule out any medical issues causing your cat to avoid their previously favored wet food.

Why does my cat licks food but doesn’t eat it?

Some cats simply do not like the taste of wet food or prefer the crunch of dry food. You can try mixing the food with cat-specific soup to make it more appealing. Your cat may end up eating more if they enjoy the taste.

Can cats live on wet food only?

The answer is yes; cats can live on wet food only. While dry kibble has its benefits, such as providing a teeth-cleaning crunch and easier storage, wet food contains more moisture which helps keep your cat hydrated. Wet food also offers higher levels of protein than dry food.

Why do old cats stop eating?

There are several potential causes why an older cat may stop eating. Medical issues such as dental problems, digestive issues, and kidney disease can lead to a decrease in appetite.

Talk to your veterinarian so they help diagnose and treat any underlying medical issues that may be causing the reduction in appetite.

Is it okay if my cat only eats dry food?

In most cases, it is okay for a cat only to eat dry food. Dry food can provide cats with the necessary nutrients and is often more cost-effective than wet foods.  

However, it is vital to know that dry food alone cannot provide sufficient moisture and hydration for cats. Consuming a diet of only dry food can put cats at risk of dehydration, so it’s crucial to ensure they drink enough water. 

Is it bad if my cat won’t eat wet food?

Both wet and dry food have their benefits and drawbacks. If your cat won’t eat wet food, they may miss out on some of its nutritional benefits.

Final Thoughts

There could be many reasons why your cat may stop eating wet food, such as underlying health issues, dirty bowls, changes in ingredients or flavors, stress or anxiety, whisker fatigue, spoiled with treats, food boredom, and more.

If your cat has been avoiding their wet food for more than a few days, take them to the vet for a check-up